• Allow CryptDisk to work with fragmented files.
• Hot-key immediate dismount of all CryptDisks.
• Support for MDC/SHS encryption
Happy encrypting! If you are interested in cryptography, get a copy of Applied Cryptography by Bruce Schneier (1994, Wiley and Sons, New York). It is by far the best book on the subject. A lighter tome by the same author which is much more palatable to the casual encryption enthusiast is E-Mail Security: How to Keep Your Electronic Messages Private (1995, Wiley and Sons, New York). Also, subscribe to WIRED magazine, donate to the EFF, save Phil Zimmerman, abolish crypto export laws, spread the use of PGP, sink Clipper, and don't use certificates from RSA Inc. (such as those used by PowerTalk)
Feel free to send bug reports, questions, comments or suggestions to my internet address wprice@primenet.com.